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What is a Panigiri [ πανηγύρι ]?

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What is a Panigiri?

A Panigiri is a centuries old traditional festival organized during the summer months mainly in the villages of Greek islands where the main saint is celebrated.

The host of the festival is the “panigiras”, a local who has the honor to carry the icon of the saint to his home for a year and bring it back on the day of the celebration to be blessed during the liturgy.

The festival is not only chanting and praying, but also good music, plenty food and local wine, the three key elements that make a Panigiri successful.

After the ceremony people sit together, taste soup, olives, meat with sauce, cod, Greek salad, drink lots of wine toasting the panigiras. Locals and their guests dance and sing traditional island music till early in the morning.

A Panigiri is the balance between the wild and the serene, the tradition and the innovation, the relax and the lifelike joy. The festival is an occasion to get youngest and oldest together, to meet locals, to dance, to talk, to drink and eat, to feast.

A Panigiri is a unique experience you should not miss during your summer in Greece. It’s a blending of a religious ceremony and social festival you will always carry in your heart.

Book your trigiro tour and experience the Panigiri with us.

Find more details under “special events, The Panigiria Tour“.

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