

Biking with rain

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Biking tours


What happens when it rains in trigiro biking tours?


First of all, stay calm and enjoy the different colors of nature that rain forms. Taste additional glasses of Xinomavro wine in the amazing wineries that we visit. Few drops never stop our tour! We will take the opportunity of visiting more wineries and taste more wines!


Trigiro tour guides give you some tips for riding comfortably and prudently in rainy days

  1. Dress to a Stay Dry: a synthetic biking gear and carrying a change of clothes in a waterproof bag will keep you dry and ensure that all of your valuables stay dry.
  2. Check Your Brakes: Bike brakes are much less effective when wet. Take it slower than normal and give yourself lots more time to stop
  3. Corner with Ease: Shift as much of your weight onto the outside pedal as possible. Lean your body more than the bike.
  4. Use Extra Caution


Also, be sure that our service “any time van support” is always on your hand. 


Take a look in our tours and
be sure that everything is just an amazing adventure!


Here a link with some more tips:


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