
trigiro bike tour - fitting bike

4 answers about trigiro bike tours

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4 answers about the trigiro bike tours that you should know!

What happens if you can not follow the speed of the group?

No need to worry! Trigiro chooses the routes to organize small and flexible group. Each bike tour has two guides,  so that the group can be split in two smaller groups with different speed, so that everyone can feel comfortable with their rhythm. 

What happens if I can not complete the whole bike route?

Our service “van support” exists for that reason! You can continue the tour walking, taking pictures and enjoying the nature until you easily reach the next possible place to take our van. Then you can choose if you want to relax or to join and follow again the groups program.

How will I know which clothes should I take with me?

Before you start a trigiro bike tour, the trigiro team will send you a mail with an appropriate packing list taking into account the tour and weather forecasts. There is no reason for concern since trigiro have additional athletic wear for you, in case you need it.

How can I be sure that the bike would fit to me?

The trigiro team choose and configure the bikes one by one depending on your sex, height, weight, experience and always according to the requirements of the tour. At the beginning of each tour we will fit your bike to have the correct settings for you.

trigiro bike tour prepared
trigiro bike tour

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